







Writing Series Part 1- Anecdotal Notes

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If you know me, you know I love everything literacy.  My passion for teaching reading and writing spills through my resources.  To start off the new year, I am so excited to share with you my writing series.  For the next few weeks, you will see how I organize and implement Writer’s Workshop.  You’ll gain some great tips and an added bonus will be some helpful printables that you can use in your classroom.

Anecdotal Notes for Little Writers- Mrs. Jones Creation Station

The Benefits of Anecdotal Notes.

If you’re familiar with Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop, you know the importance of documentation.  It’s an absolute must.  In this case, anecdotal notes for Writer’s Workshop serves many purposes.

  1. Anecdotal notes show you where your students currently are.
  2. You’re able to use notes to guide students to the next level.
  3. Thorough notes will show you where students need to grow.

With all that teachers have to do on a daily basis, there is no way everything can be remembered without some sort of daily notes.

How to Implement

I made a point to use a new form of anecdotal notes each week.  During Writer’s Workshop, I made a habit of meeting with groups of students each day that had similar writing skills.  During that time, we would work on different levels of the writing process.  With these notes, it was easy to see my students’ strengths, their needs and set a time to follow up with them.

My anecdotal notes also went along with me to all my parent conferences.  With detailed notes, I never had a moment where I didn’t know what to say to my parents.  I also had a plan set in place for my students that needed extra help.

You can grab these anecdotal notes for FREE by clicking the download button at the bottom!

Writing Series

Stay tuned for more ideas and resources that you can use during your Writer’s Workshop.  From mini-lessons to anchor charts you can find what you need to help your writers grow.

1- Anecdotal Notes

 2- Story Prewriting

 3- Story Elements Map

 4- Story Progression Map 

 5- Sensory Details Map and Printables

6- Publishing Rubric and Guide

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