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Old Testament stories can be hard to teach to little ones at times. The stories are hard to explain. When I decided to create a bible curriculum, I wanted to create lessons to make it easy for kids to understand. Abraham and Sarah is a story that many know. But, how do we teach it to little ones where they understand it?

A Different Approach to Bible Class

Being in the classroom made organizing my bible class very easy. Why not bring the structure of a classroom to a bible class? I organize my bible class with a whole group lesson, a small group and centers, a craft and independent work. It creates consistency and avoids a lot of sitting around doing nothing!

Whole Group Lesson

I love my Beginners Bible to use for my whole group lessons. Our church purchased them for each bible class and the kids really enjoy using them. The pictures are bright and fun to look at and each story is written just for kids.

We start by opening our bibles to the story of that week. In this case, we open to the story of Abraham and Sarah.

It’s funny to see kids’ reactions to this story. Abraham and Sarah are too old to have children. But God had different plans for them. When asking the kids how old they thought Sarah and Abraham were, I laughed out loud! Is 35 old to you?? I love seeing their reaction when I tell the class the actual age of Abraham and Sarah!

With each whole group lesson, I also include an activity at the floor. In this case, we make a time line to show the class where we are in the story line of Jesus. From Adam and Eve to Abraham is where our timeline shows.

We also learn new songs about the story we are focusing on. We sing it throughout the entire class time.

Abraham and Sarah Activities for Kids

These crafts and activities are worth keeping! Why make a craft to just put it in the trash? I like to create crafts that our kids can take home and use throughout the week to remind them of the lesson. Most preschool and kindergarten students work on spelling their names.

Because God promised Abraham that He would bless him with offspring as the same number as the stars. So, stars are the center of all the activities in this unit. A simple, but fun craft is to have learners write their name in white crayon on black paper. Next, they outline their name with glue and sprinkle with stars.

Another great craft for this unit is a night light. Your learners will be so excited to put this in their room at night. And it’s a great reminder to pray and thank God for all the things he promises us. There are just a few items you need:

First, start by place a sheet of paper on the table to avoid a big mess.

Next, place stickers all over the plastic cup.

Using the sponge brush, have your learners paint black paint all over the outside of the cup, including over the stars.

Let the paint dry. I would suggest doing this craft right after the whole group lesson to allow enough time for the paint to dry. Once the paint is dry, have your kids peel the stickers off.

Place the batter tea light under the cup, turn off the lights and see the beautiful light coming from the cup! What a great reminder of the promises God made to Abraham!

You can use these activities along with many more when you purchase this Bible unit!

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