It is no secret that math manipulatives are great for teaching new math skills to little learners. But how important are visual aids when teaching math in early childhood classrooms?

What are Visual Aids?
Visual aids are resources that contain information learners can see. Posters, videos, anchor charts, etc. are all great examples.
But for the purpose of this blog post, let’s focus specifically on math posters or printables that can be posted in a classroom.

How to Use Visuals?
When it comes to using these visuals in the classroom you can’t just slap a poster on the wall. Whether you create a visual together or use one to teach a lesson there must be a connection between the visual and the content being taught.

It might save paper and ink to post a visual on the screen while teaching a lesson. But a ‘one and done’ approach isn’t going to help learners master the content you are teaching.
Having a space in the classroom dedicated to visuals is a must. Not only does it help to organize the content you are teaching in your classroom. But it lets learners know exactly where to look when they need a resource to reference.

Creating visual aids in the classroom (especially freehand) can be a challenge for some. Having visuals prepped and ready to go allow you to focus your attention on what really matters — your learners.
My Math Pack Bundle has visual aids that can be printed on letter size paper, poster paper or projected on a screen. You can grab a free poster by clicking on the image below!