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We are continuing our study on life cycles at home!  Recently, we had a butterfly kit delivered to our home. We had so much fun exploring the life of a caterpillar. Grayson has enjoyed watching our caterpillars grow (and Daddy has, too).  They have gotten big so quickly, and will be turning into chrysalises soon.
Last week, we did a couple caterpillar crafts together, and my shirtless toddler is a sign of warmer spring weather!
Life Cycle of a Butterfly: Part 2 - MJCS

Egg Carton Caterpillar

Grayson had so much fun making his caterpillar.  He wanted to take turns painting, so Mommy even got a turn!
Life Cycle of a Butterfly: Part 2 - MJCS
I would recommend using a paperboard egg carton if you can.  We used Styrofoam because that is what I had on hand and the paint was beginning to flake off.
Life Cycle of a Butterfly: Part 2 - MJCS
Modge Podge came to the rescue, but I will not use Styrofoam in the future.  We have been working on identifying our numbers to 6 so it worked out perfectly that we could number our caterpillar, too!
Life Cycle of a Butterfly: Part 2 - MJCS

My Caterpillar Name

Since we have been working on Grayson’s name I wanted to do an activity where he could put the letters of his name in the correct order.  My Caterpillar Name workpage is what I created.
Life Cycle of a Butterfly: Part 2 - MJCS
He was able to put the letters in the correct order and he even was able to practice writing his name.
Life Cycle of a Butterfly: Part 2 - MJCS
Life Cycle of a Butterfly: Part 2 - MJCS
We sang his name to the tune of “Jingle Bells” while pointing to each letter and he was singing it the rest of the day.
Life Cycle of a Butterfly: Part 2 - MJCS
 You can get this activity in my Bugs Preschool Pack and if your little learner is practicing their name you can download this free resource below!
 Check out the rest of the series here!
Butterfly Life Cycle for Little Learners - MJCS

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