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The month of December is one of my favorite times in the classroom. There’s a short window of time between Thanksgiving break and the Holiday break. Our school is allotted a certain number of class parties, and the holiday season is one of those times. Do you need classroom party ideas for the holiday season? I’ve got you covered!

Let’s jump right into it! There are a variety of things teachers can do for holiday parties. If you have a room rep, it’s even better!

I had the privilege of planning Grayson’s class party in the past, and these activities were a hit and EASY to plan and put together!

It’s easy to make a bracelet. But, is it easy to do it one handed? I challenged students to create a patterned bracelet using one hand only! I sure got some laughs out of this one! All you need are pipe cleaners and beads!

Of course, you need a yummy snack at these parties! This is the perfect time to allow your students to PLAY with their food. Students built snowmen and reindeer with they donuts and had the best time!

Do you have students in your classroom that love to build things? Maybe STEM activities are a huge hit with your group. This is a fun STEM activity that takes very little time to prep! You need foam trays, pipe cleaners (you already have them!), marbles and holiday themed washi tape. Your students will love creating a Santa maze with these supplies!

Are you looking for more party ideas? Some of my fellow bloggers shared their favorite party activities!

Holiday Games

Free Holiday Bingo Printable | Artsy Artsy Mama

Pin the Reindeer Nose | Red Ted Art

Grinch Grab Christmas Punch Game | Play Party Plan

DIY Rudolph Ring Toss | Red Ted Art

Holiday Crafts

Grinch Gingerbread Man Craft | Simple Everyday Mom

Christmas Crazy Glasses | Pickle Bums

Grinch Christmas Ornament | A Little Pinch of Perfect

Chocolate Scented Reindeer Playdough | Kids Craft Room

Gingerbread Houses | Kelly’s Classroom Online

So many wonderful classroom party ideas for this holiday season right here! These activities are easy to prep and even more fun to complete!

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