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Money is a fun topic for our little learners! They see adults use it all the time, and they want to be a part of it. A newer standard, financial literacy, is a fun unit that many kids love.

Let’s Use this at Home

This binder is perfect for any type of learning. I created this resource for Grayson to help him manage his money. He had money in all sorts of places. I would find money under his bed, in his closet and in his pockets. I had to find a way a better way for this system!

We don’t give weekly allowance, but we give money every report card for grades. We found this was the best way to keep the kids motivated and it’s worked perfectly. I have friends that give weekly allowance and it works great for them.

I wanted to sneak in some learning with this as well. Each page is titled something different:

  • Earnings
  • Spending
  • Saving
  • Giving

Each category is broken down in percentages. Spending is money that they can spend weekly whether it be candy, small toys, Target Dollar Spot items. Saving is for big ticket items that takes a long time to save for. For example, Grayson loves his Nintendo Switch and is always saving up for new games. Lastly, giving is to go back to God. We want to instill that habit of always giving back to our church. They really love putting money in the plate!

Bring it to the Class!

Financial literacy is a fairly new standard that has come to the classrooms. There are plenty of ways you can implement this system into your classroom. You can walk into many classrooms to find money systems of all kinds.

Your students can earn money for various tasks and then turn around and spend on little items or save for a big reward like eating lunch with you or a free ice cream!

kid budget binder printable

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