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My son loves to play games on the iPad, Kindle or Leap Pad and I love the learning games I have downloaded for each.  But, I want to make sure he is spending more time active and learning with hands-on resources. So, I created Tech Time cards.

FREE Tech Time Cards

This summer technology time got a little out of control.  Our charging station was finally set up in the mudroom and little man knew exactly where to find the devices.  I would go to switch laundry, thinking he was playing in his room, and notice a device missing.  Really, kid?!?!

FREE Tech Time Cards

That is when I knew something needed to be done…enter Tech Time cards.  Grayson knows that technology is a privilege in our house and we limit their device time.

FREE Tech Time Cards

He was given two 30 minute cards to use each day.  When he wants to use a device he will bring me a card and I would decide if he can.

He sets the timer, takes it with him and turns the device back in when the timer goes off.  If he doesn’t follow the directions…the privilege of Tech Time is taken away.

Tech Time-10

Establishing these rules and procedures for Tech Time has been great in our household.  You can get these cards for FREE by clicking the download button below!  Download KG Second Chances Sketch to edit the time on the cards, if desired.

FREE Tech Time Cards

FREE Tech Time Cards


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