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If you know me or have followed me over the years, you know I’m a fan of thematic units.  Teaching important skills with some new flair always keeps my learners engaged.  I want to share this FREE Turkey Alphabet Center with you. It will help put a fun twist on teaching or reviewing initial sounds!

FREE Turkey Match Alphabet Center - MJCS

I include this activity in my November Circle Time and Calendar pack because you can easily review this skill at the end of your calendar time.  I often teach phonics right after calendar. It helps get our day started looking and listening for sounds as we learn.

FREE Turkey Match Alphabet Center - MJCS

FREE Turkey Match Alphabet Center - MJCS

Review a few letters at a time with your whole class or in a homeschool setting. By the end of the month you little learners will be able to make matches independently in a center.

FREE Turkey Match Alphabet Center - MJCS

FREE Turkey Match Alphabet Center - MJCS

Grab this FREE Turkey Alphabet Center by clicking on the download link below! You can also get this along with many more activities in my November Circle Time and Calendar pack! Enjoy!

FREE Turkey Match Alphabet Center - MJCS


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