Healthy behaviors are so important to teach at an early age. Children learn really quick when things don’t feel right. However, they might not understand what causes them to feel bad. Parents teach their kids healthy habits to avoid getting sick. But do we teach them what happens when they do get sick or hurt?

There are many ways to teach healthy behaviors. We hang signs in the classroom to remember to use hand sanitizer after we sneeze or cough. Tissues surround the room to remind our kids what to do when they have a runny nose. We also put posters in the bathroom reminding our friends how to wash our hands correctly.
But how do we teach our students what to do when something bad happens? There are many times when our children know something is wrong, but they just don’t know what to do. And to help teach a little independence, it’s important to show them what to do.

Healthy Behaviors Matching Game

When I was planning an activity for healthy habits, I wanted to include a cause and effect type activity. We always talk about how we get sick or hurt, but we don’t talk much about what we do after the event.
This matching game is perfect for that and you can grab it for FREE by clicking on the link below!