Chore charts! How many times have you committed to creating a chore chart for your children only to feel overwhelmed? There are many types of charts. But which one is right for you?
When little man was ready to have his own responsibilities and chore chart at home, I wanted to create a chart that was easy for him to use. The specific jobs needed to be completed by him independently. I also wanted to make this chart available for other moms, so I needed to find a way to make it versatile and simple to make.
I decided to create a variety of personalized Chore Charts and Editable Cards for little children. This post is a tutorial on how to create a chart using {this product} for your child.
First, edit the text on each of the chore cards you want to use. Print the chart, chores you want to have on that specific chart and the stars.
Cut out the chore cards you want on the chart and glue them in the correct order.
Next, laminate and add Velcro dots to the chart and stars.
Finally, post the chart and have your child complete as needed.
We started with 1 chore chart that specified 4 jobs to be completed. Once he was able to complete this chart on his own, I added another chart. Now, G has 4 charts he completes on daily basis (for the most part).
You can get this no-prep chore chart {here} for free!
If you want to create a personalized chart for your child, you can get all of my charts and editable cards {here}.