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Writer’s Workshop has been in classrooms all over the nation for a number of years. It’s a system that shows early learners that writing is fun, and can develop young learners into lifelong writers. In order to get the most out of Writer’s Workshop, you must have an organized system. Find out how to properly implement this system in your early elementary classrooms.

Get Your Classroom Ready

Don’t panic. This isn’t going to take hours of work like you spend at the beginning of the year prepping your room. You do, however, need a designated area in your room for the resources you will use.

The goal of this workshop is to turn your new, early writers into independent writers. Your students will learn write on their own and move through the writing process independently.

This is your central station of Writer’s Workshop. When it’s introduced and modeled correctly, your students will learn to use this station effectively. Once you display Help!, Author’s Chair, and the five stages of writing, all you need are clothes pins with your students’ names.

Setting Up Your Teacher Binder

All of your documentation, lesson plans and notes go into this one binder!

Store your calendar outline and progress in this binder. Each page is editable to help you use the document as you see fit.

Everything in this binder is extremely important, but if I were to choose, writing meeting documentation would be the most important. This is where you document your students’ progress, plan for small groups and to plan for the next steps for each student. This documentation is so important. And it can be used during parent/teacher conferences. Every page is editable, so you can customize it based on your needs.

Student Folders

Teaching organization skills to your students is so important. When your students are organized, there is more room for learning and less ‘searching for things’. Am I right?

Use a folder or spiral to keep your students’ writing in one place. I personally like to use folders, but it’s your preference!

In each student’s folder, they will have many resources to use to refer back to when they are writing. Writing checklists, revising and editing poster, sentence rules and “What Good Writers Do” list.

This bundle also includes multiple printables to help with the writing process. From planning to final copy, you will have everything you need.

This pack has been recently updated with new resources to better serve your needs! To grab this writing unit, you can grab it below!

Here are some free resources to. help you with Writer’s Workshop:

Anecdotal Notes

Pre-Writing Map

Story Elements

Story Mapping

Sensory Details


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