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Interactive lapbooks are one of my favorite activities to do during my science block! They are a great supplement to your thematic units, and your students will have a blast putting them together all while learning! My interactive plant lapbook is by far a favorite during our spring units!

Entire Unit in One Place

After we complete our unit on plants, I use this lapbook as a way to show off what my students learned! Most students are able to color, cut and paste on their own, however, some will need either extra time or assistance.

How to Prep

If you have a filing cabinet in your classroom, I’m sure you have manilla folders! And since filing cabinets are becoming extinct, I’m sure you have a TON of folders in your storage!

To get the folder ready, open it and lay it out on the desk. Take both edges and bring them together, while folding. This will create a tri-fold type set up!

Your students are ready to create their lapbook!

Parts of a Plant

We start with what a plant needs to survive! This goes at the top left of the inside cover. Your learners can color and cut out the mini book to show all a plant needs to survive.

Under the book, is a diagram of a plant with labels!

Life Cycle of a Plant

Life cycles are a big part of science curriculums in kindergarten and first grade! It’s no doubt that the center of the lapbook would be the life cycle of a plant!

Have your learners color each step of the cycle and glue them in the correct order!

Plants We Eat

I love this part of the lapbook. I get a lot of “eeews” and “yuck” when I talk about plants we eat! And they learn a lot of new information after this part! This is where your students will brainstorm different types of vegetables we eat that are different parts of a plant.

How Seeds Travel

To wrap up this interactive plant lapbook, we learn more about how seeds travel. I introduce the term ‘seed dispersal’ and we discuss all the ways seeds travel-gravity, wind, animals and water.

This lapbook comes with detailed instructions. It’s easy to assemble and your students are going to love it!

Check out this Plant Lapbook!

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