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I love teaching a little one to write. But I’ve had so many questions from people. “How do you do it?” “Where do I start?” “How do I meet all of my learners?” Those are all very valid questions. And when I get these questions, I tell people to not make writing stressful for kids. Make it fun and enjoyable! This journal template and some good books are great tools for any level of writer.

A Good Book

You’ve heard it time and again “Read with your child no matter what age they are.” It’s true. Reading to your baby isn’t a waste of time. The more your child is exposed to reading, the better off they will be.

But books can also serve as a way to model good writing. Any good picture book can be a great mentor for many different things. I use mentor texts for things such as:

  • how to use sight words correctly
  • using describing words correctly
  • they model how to capitalize certain words in a sentence.
  • how writing describes a picture
  • modeling different types of writing

Diary of a Worm by Doreen Cronin is one of my favorite books to use when introducing journal or diary writing.

And after we read this book, we spend a few days learning to write our own diary. This week’s freebie is all about diary writing, and this journal template fits all types of writers.

A standard in Kindergarten is to use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to narrate a single event or several loosely linked events, tell about the events in the order in which they occurred, and provide a reaction to what happened. This journal template is a great addition to this standard when you are at this point.

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