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I used a variety of different student binders while I taught and I could not imagine life in the classroom without them.  Having a method of communication with my students’ parents made the school year run smoothly gave the students a place for everything that was needed for their day at school.  The last version I used was a K.I.T. (Keeping It Together) Student Binder.   Let’s walk through the K.I.T. Student Binder together…


This cover is editable, so that you can type your own information, each student’s name and print.  Super easy!

Homework Pocket

This inside pocket of the binder is GREAT for storing your students’ Homework Folders (learn more about those here).  It is easy for you or your students to pull their folders out as needed.

Money Pocket

This is one of my favorite part of the K.I.T.  You can get these pouches as most stores for around $1, add a label and voila…easy way to transfer money from home to school!  You can also include some small envelopes for the parents to use throughout the year.  No more lost lunch, field trip, t-shirt or PTA money!


You can get an editable monthly, 6 week or 9 week calendar in my KIT Student Binder. Pick the calendar that words best for you, print on cardstock and mark every day to inform parents daily of how their child behaved!

What Happened?

Ever get tired of writing “Not keeping hands to self”, “Talking during math lesson”, “Not following directions”…yeah, I did, too! That is why the What Happened page is a must have for the back side of each child’s behavior calendar.  Simply write the number that correlates with the positive or negative behavior.  You can also find more behavior resources with my Behavior Plan (available in DOTS, too)

Write Me a Message

Place 2-3 of these pages copied front and back in the binder for easy parent-teacher communication.  Send messages about early dismissal, missing homework, behavior question and more!

Folder Assembly

To make the folder for this binder you will need to turn a folder (without brads) inside out and hole punch the outside edges with a three hole punch.  Use a strip of packaging tape on ALL of the labels throughout the binder so they can be used all year long!

Notes Home

Use the first pocket of the binder for any notes that need to go home.  Pass the notes out or place in a location for the students to pick up there own notes to place in this pocket.

Student Work

The back pocket of the binder can be used for sending student work home.  Whether you send work home everyday or just one day a week, it is so nice to have it all in one place!

K.I.T. Binder Note

You can keep this note in a sleeve protector or just send it home at the beginning of the year.  This note is editable and gives you a way to explain how the binder will be used.

Class Schedule

This form is also editable for your own class.  Place in a sleeve protector to keep in their binder all year.  This will also allow parents to quickly look to see when lunch is!

Specials/Block Schedule

Post this schedule on the back side of you class schedule.  This form is also editable!
That’s it!  Of course you can add anything else you need to make this work in your classroom.  I hope this helps you to know how to put your own K.I.T Student Binder.

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