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The amount of information we pour into our children is so important! As parents and educators, it’s our job to guide our little ones in so many ways. Not only do we need to teach them academically, we also need to take them kindness and empathy to others. This is a list of my favorite Kindness picture books that I love to use in my classroom and at home!

Walter Does His Best

I love dogs! When I saw this book, I knew I had to have it in my class. Eva Pilgrim does a great job in creating this cute, sweet dog who works hard to be kind, even when things don’t go as planned! This is a great book to use to show our little ones that it’s okay to make mistakes, that kindness goes a long way, and we are NOT perfect!

Kindness Starts with You

Jacquelyn Stagg wrote a wonderful book that fits in ALL classrooms. Stagg takes Maddie through a day at school to show others that it’s not hard to show kindness even when it’s hard!

Be Kind

A New York Times Bestseller, Pat Miller wrote a sweet and thoughtful book on kindness. This book does a great job in showing our little ones that kindness doesn’t have a be a huge production. It can be a small gesture for someone–and it can really make their day!

The Girl Who Shared Kindness

This one is a powerful book! Because what happens in this book, happens way too much at school. This book is about a little girl who finds a friend who is alone and sad. Sharing a friendly compliment, it creates a domino effect for others. Such a wonderful book for little ones!

I Choose Kindness

This is another book of events that we see far too often in the classroom. Elizabeth Estrada writes this book in rhymes to help the message sink in. Kindness is always our best choice!

Last Stop on Market Street

This one has won tons of awards, and for good reason! This book focuses on how to be kind, even when you feel like everyone else has a better life. CJ doesn’t have the fancy things his friends have, but his grandma does a wonderful job of teaching him his worth and how to spread kindness to everyone!

Share a Little Kindness

This book is written in poetic form, and is so soothing to read. The message fits the form of the book perfectly. Your little ones will understand the importance of sharing kindness by the end of this book. It will definitely be one to keep on hand all the time!

The Big Umbrella

This book is perfect when teaching little ones to include everyone. A metaphoric umbrella illustrates that it always has room for everyone that needs it! A great illustration of how to include others.

Kindness is my Superpower

A great book for your mighty super hero! This charming story with peaceful rhymes and colorful illustrations will explain to your child that it is okay to make a mistake and say I’m sorry. This is such a great lesson to teach our children!

A Little SPOT of Sadness

It’s our favorite SPOT! These books are a huge hit in the classroom. This book is different from the others mentioned. It’s more about how to deal with sadness. However, when we are sad, we tend to not be kind to others. But it also helps us know how to help other when they are sad. It teaches EMPATHY, COMPASSION, FRIENDSHIP and much more! 

Listening With My Heart

We focus so much on how to be kind to others, but have we taught our little ones to be kind to themselves? This book does just that! If we aren’t kind to ourselves, how can we be kind to others?

One Drop of Kindness

This is such a moving story. A book about an orphan who spent his life listening to awful things about him. How can we love ourselves when others don’t show love? Jeff Kubiak does a wonderful job of showing kids that effects of hurtful words. This book is a must in your classroom to teach your little ones that words can hurt so much..and those words can last for a long time.

Free Kindness Activity

Use this great list of books for your classroom. Teach it anytime during the year–throughout the year. This free printable will help your students illustrate ways they can show kindness to others! Grab it by clicking the download button below!

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