We are working so hard on our reading skills and I’m seeing huge improvements! It’s finally time to dig into some more challenging skills while we read. I came across this book, Look Closer, several years ago, and it’s my go to mentor text for sequencing.
The Importance of Sequencing
Honestly, there are times we are reading, and I focus more on higher level questions. Asking sequencing questions are put to the side, but it shouldn’t. Young learners need to understand the sequencing happens all the time. We do specifics tasks in order all the time. For example, we use transition words like ‘first’, ‘second’, ‘next’ and ‘last’ when we need to do something in a specific order. Why can’t we teach the importance of sequencing events in our reading?
With young readers, it’s simply basic questions- “What happened first?” “What happened after Joey went to the park?” But, you are setting a foundation for higher thinking for the more advanced readers down the road. For example, older, more advanced readers need to understand sequence of events to analyze intentions of characters. Now that’s higher order thinking!
Why Use Closer Look?
I love this book as a simple mentor text for introducing sequence of events. And, it’s a great book to use in the spring when we start seeing wildlife come out from a long winter.
This book does a great job describing the big picture. When we go outside and see beautiful flowers, but can we look closer? Absolutely! And this book does just that. The pictures start with a big area, but soon zooms in to see the bigger picture. Who is hiding? What little insect friends can we find in a large space? So, this book serves two purposes: zooming in to see the bigger picture and sequencing.
Sequencing Flipbook
This fun, independent activity is perfect for young readers. It also helps readers refer back to their text. They follow these simple steps and you can use it for a quick assessment
First, color the insects from the story.
Next, cut out each square.
Then, Refer back to the text and put each insect in order based on the book.
Finally, staple the flipbook on the white box at the top of the page.
To grab this “bug”tastic freebie, click on the link below!
Need more Spring themed activities? Click on the links below for some of my favorite activities!
My popular lap books are a great interactive activity for any learner! Spring is the perfect time to learn about BUGS!
Spring is the perfect time to get out and planet some beautiful flowers! Throw in my new Flower pack for some learning too!
An easy and FREE resource that helps review initial sounds, my Flower Garden literacy center is perfect for your literacy stations!