







NOW, I KNOW MY ABC’S {Letter Hh}

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Grayson is having a great start to his school year! He has been working on letter identification, and his class studied the letter Hh last week.  I couldn’t help but pull out my letter activities to review at home.  We began by sorting the capital H’s and lowercase h’s on his pocket chart.

Then, we looked at the letter Hh picture cards and placed them on the pocket chart as we sang our Hh song to the tune of “London Bridge”…

House starts with letter Hh,
Letter Hh, letter Hh,
House starts with letter Hh,
Hh says /h/, /h/, /h/”

Next, was game time and G had a blast.  We played 2 different games with the alphabet cards Aa-Hh.

Letter Hunt:

First, we played Letter Hunt together.  I hid the letter cards upside down around our playroom.  As Grayson found them we said the name of each letter and the picture and placed the cards on the table (we did not say the letter sound because my primary goal is for him to identify the letters easily).  Once all of the letters were found we matched each letter in the capital and lowercase form.

Letter Sort:

After another game of Letter Hunt, rather than matching the letters, we sorted the letters by capital and lowercase letters.  You can also sort by letters in their name, shapes in the letters (curves, lines or both)…and so much more!  Easy, simple and fun!
We ended our day on some independent work that G did great at.  G was able to easily glue the letters in the correct section of the workpage.  He LOVES using his glue and makes the perfect size dots of glue…I’m one proud Mommy…now, if we can just keep it the way!
While Grayson and I were working Kynlee enjoyed playing with her “orange” tub.  I didn’t capture many pictures of K since I’ve been using my phone while my camera is getting fixed and little miss moves way faster than my phone can handle…love that sweet girl!

Resources I Used:


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