Number sense is the first step in understanding all things math. It’s where we dive into what a number really means, and as a result, helps learners better understand harder math concepts later on. To not overwhelm young learners, I like to start with number sense to ten.
Plan a Math Block
This unit of study might be new to many of your learners, so a strong math block and plan is very important. I like to include the following in my math block:
- Engaging mini-lessons
- Math centers
- Independent practice
- Visuals throughout the classroom

Engaging Mini Lessons
Number sense takes time and patience. It’s such a fun unit to teach! Mini lessons for this unit include number words, one to one correspondence, number order, tallies and much more. I like to include my favorite math books in every mini lesson.
These are some of my favorite books and I include engaging activities that tie in with each book. They are perfect for mini lessons!

Math Centers
Math centers are a life saver, in my opinion. It’s a chance for students to work in partners or small groups and practice skills taught through mini lessons and small group instruction.
In this unit, math centers include number mats to practice all the different ways to make ten.

Next, your learners can race to trace a number with a partner!

On another day, your learners can complete these number puzzles to help with number representation!

There are more math centers like these in my Number Sense to Ten pack.