Creating a space for play and learning in our home took some planning, but I am so happy with the way our homeschool classroom turned out. Bright colors, cozy couch, chalkboard wall, computer desk, tons of storage…what’s not to love?!?!
We kept many of the same pieces we had at our old house including our IKEA shelves and Kid Kraft train table. I put our weekly materials and toys on the shelves. The hubs cut a shower board from Home Depot to place over the train table to use as a dry erase board, which also protected the actual train boards.
I like to keep materials I use on top of the shelves, so they are easy to grab and always within reach. These include pens, puzzles
, and materials for the little ones.
Next to our shelves is the chalkboard, which is where our calendar area is. This area changes monthly and is where we do the majority of our magnet learning and play. This really helped in transforming this room into the perfect homeschool classroom!
I love our cozy couch area for story time, rest time and movie time. This helps our space to stay warm and comfortable.
The biggest improvement we made to the room was adding this built-in. We now have room for all of our books, storage for our learning resources, thematic toys and activities and much more.
Two of my favorite things about this room when we moved in were the half bathroom and the built-in desk. The bathroom is so convenient for little ones (especially potty training toddlers). I love having a workspace as a WAHM and a computer that Grayson is able to use.
I picked up these clipboards at the Target Dollar Spot this summer and they work perfectly for displaying