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Getting little learners excited about science is easy with engaging experiments and thematic units.  Teaching them to collect and organize data like scientists is accomplished with a Science Notebook.

Here are 3 reasons why using a Science Notebook with your learners can help your classroom and curriculum.

1) Work Doesn’t Get Thrown Away

Whether you are homeschooling or in the classroom, it is always a bit painful throwing away your kids’ hard work.  You spend the time planning, prepping, completing and grading the work ONLY to throw it in the trash.  I don’t think so!

Science Notebook - Science Bookmark - MJCS

The great thing about having a science notebook is your students’ work is in one place. They can take it home at the end of the year and show their parents everything they learned.  It’s pretty amazing when I get emails from parents complimenting the hard work we did! They have a book that is not only full of scientific content, but a reminder of everything they learned during the year.

Science Notebook Five Senses - MJCS

2) A Science Notebook Saves Paper

You may think that a year’s worth of experiments would create a lot of paper. However, the great thing about a science notebook is that you are able to use HALF of the paper.

Science Notebook - Science Equipment - MJCS

Rather than copying full pages all year long, our Science Notebook includes half pages that are glued in their composition notebook.  Saving paper also makes teaching about conserving our resources on Earth Day a little easier, too!

Science Notebook Measurement - MJCS

3) Learners Are Held Accountable

Learners are in charge of keeping up with their own Science Notebook and  given the materials needed to do so. Also, my learners organize their work with the table of contents and bookmarks .

Science Notebook from Mrs Jones Creation Station

At the beginning of the year, we learn about scientists.  We learn how an important part of their job is staying organized and collecting information and data.  Learners should practice this science skill all year!

Science Notebook Pumpkin Life Cycle - MJCS

Science Safety Rules FREEBIE

Along with our Science Notebook, we use a variety of posters to teach science skills.  One poster we use and review every time we complete an experiment together is our Science Safety Rules.  You can grab this free for your own learners by clicking the download box below!

Science Safety Rules Freebie - MJCS

If you think that using a Science Notebook would help you and your learners in your classroom, check out the complete notebook {here}.  With resources from life science to matter, from spiders to pumpkins, you can teach the majority, if not all, of your science standards using this ONE resource!


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