A classroom full of four and five year olds can sure create some major chaos! Even if you have some stellar classroom management skills, there can still be those days where they feel out of control. However, how can you avoid those days? Or maybe you’re a homeschool mom and need help with your child’s behavior. This self control chart is perfect for any home, bible class or classroom!
Taking Control
The earlier the better, they say. And they’re right. The earlier you teach self control with your children, the better off they will be. Sure, it’s not going to be easy. There will be bumps in the road.
Modeling and instilling self control strategies will help your children cope with tough situations in a healthy and calm way. Your child will develop healthy relationships with other friends. Also, they will be a great role model to other kids their age when they are showing self control.
Be The Role Model
Man, this is where parenting is hard. Kids are sponges and they watch everything you do. Be the role model. Model these steps when you are in a tough situation.
Hang this poster in your home. Print several and place them in parts of your home. And model model model!
Time For Reflection
This is the important part! Along with this poster, you will receive this Stay in Control printable. This is where you sit with your child and reflect on the situation. Write words, draw pictures or both to help your child reflect on their situation.
You can pair this activity with any of my lessons from my Fruit of the Spirit resource pack!
To grab my Self Control Poster and Printable click the download button below!