Spring came early in Texas this year…after a winter of no snow and very few freezes the weather is warm and rainy and signs of spring are starting to appear. I love welcoming spring and the other seasons of the year with some engaging books for my little learners.
I decided to share a few of my favorite spring books that we enjoy reading together. These books explain the changes spring brings and how plants and flowers begin to grow in the warm spring weather.
When Spring Comes
by Kevin Henkes and Laura Dronzek is an adorable book that tell all of the changes that happen when we say goodbye to winter and welcome spring. This book also uses alliteration and repetitive text to help tell its story.
The Tiny Seed
by Eric Carle is a favorite spring books for many. This book shares the journey and dangers a tiny seed and his friends endure from the end of autumn until the start of spring.
It’s Spring
by Linda Glaser is a great way to introduce spring to little ones. This book illustrates and explains the changes of spring and different activities that we get to enjoy during the season. I recommend this book and the other books Glaser offers for the other 3 seasons.
And Then It’s Spring
by Julie Fogliano shares a sweet story of a little boy who plants a garden with his dog. Does the garden grow over night or do they have to wait patiently for the plants to grow? Read and find out!
Mouse’s First Spring
by Laura Thompson is another sweet and adorable book from her Mouse series that is perfect for little ones. Adorable illustrations and fun adjectives while have your guessing what Mouse found during the springtime.
Spring is Here!
by Heidi Pross Gray is another book that is perfect for little ones to learn about the changes spring brings. The pictures and repetitive text are fun to read together.
Seed to Plant
by Kristin Baird Rattini is a great nonfiction book to read to your learners. The pictures are amazing and the books will help you teach vocabulary that comes when learning about how seeds become plants.
Planting a Rainbow
by Lois Ehlert is a great book for learners of all ages. If you have a garden or just want to explore different colors of plants this book will be perfect.
One Bean
by Anne Rockwell is a great book to read with a simple and fun science experiment. If you are planning to plant beans with your learners grab this book.
Jack’s Garden
by Henry Cole is a story that builds on a rhyme to teach learners about gardening. From labeled pictures to detailed illustration your learners will enjoy reading and looking at this book.
How a Seed Grows
by Helene J. Jordan explains the science behind how seeds grow on a level that little learners can understand.
Flower Garden
Eve Bunting for learners that live in a family full of “brown thumbs” this is the perfect book to show that plants can make a beautiful gift.
Find more book lists here.