Now that I’m back in the classroom, I’ve learned LOTS of things. Times have changed, and I’m so excited about it all. My team and I recently planned some fun classroom transformations to tackle the average, every day learning objectives that students tend to hate! Spelling and phonics are two of those objectives. We had […]
As a teacher, one of the most rewarding things to watch is the academic growth in my learners. They walk in those first days of school maybe knowing how to spell their name and recite the alphabet. But they leave reading entire books. They are so proud of themselves when they move away from just […]
Kindergarten is a big year for many milestones! They walk in the first day of school knowing very little about reading. By the end of the year, they are reading their first books. They move from reading consonant-vowel-consonant words to words with digraphs and blends. After we introduce and practice blends, we then move on to […]