







Winter Break Bingo

The much anticipated winter break is right around the corner! For me, it seems like so long ago that my students walked in on the first day. And then other days I think “how in the world is it already winter break?” This is a much needed break for all of us. Teachers get to […]

Santa Contraction Match

The crazy excitement your students show during the holiday season can make teaching rather difficult! You and your students are anticipating a much needed long holiday break. Sometimes you feel that it’s not worth teaching the curriculum during this time. But, including curriculum-based, holiday themed activities will solve your problem and continue with learning with […]

Onset and Rime Holiday Word Building

The craziness and excitement of the holiday season can definitely make teaching challenging.  You’re tired.  Students are excited about the long holiday break.  You need to continue with your curriculum and keep your students engaged.  This onset and rime holiday word building activity is great to not only work on building words, but it gets […]