







Setting Reading Expectations in the Classroom

As a literacy teacher, teaching my students the importance of reading is my entire day. My students make huge transitions in reading during their second grade year. They move from learning to read and begin reading to learn. It’s so important to set reading expectations. As a result, you’ll see huge improvements! Find out how […]

Winter Digraphs

Kindergarten is a big year for many milestones! They walk in the first day of school knowing very little about reading. By the end of the year, they are reading their first books. They move from reading consonant-vowel-consonant words to words with digraphs and blends. After we introduce and practice blends, we then move on to […]

Reading Strategies Pocket Chart

One of the best parts about teaching early elementary students is teaching them to read. Don’t get me wrong. It’s a tough task, but one that is so rewarding. All you need is a list of fun and creative reading strategies, and your students will be reading in no time! “Ask and you shall receive!” […]

A Bookmark Your Readers Will Love!

If you would have told me 5 years ago that I would tackle a master’s degree while raising three kids, I would have called you crazy.  Yet, here I am!  I’m currently earning my Master’s degree, and I wouldn’t change it for anything.  I couldn’t put a hold on my love for reading any longer! […]