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How many times do you hear the words “What time is it?” or “When is lunch time?” Probably too many times to count, right? Telling time is a skill that some think is outdated because of the digital era, but I feel it’s something that we need to teach our children.

Write the Room Style Center

In early childhood classrooms, the more engaged your learners are the more they absorb. Telling time is not a fun skill to teach at times. So when I created this activity, a write the room style activity came to mind. This type of center is always a popular one!

It’s easy to prep this activity. First, you print the time cards and printable from the download box below. Next, you cut and laminate. Laminating will extend the life of this tremendously and you can use this all year long. Then you tape the cards around the room before the start of your day.

Before I start this activity, I like to read a good book. Any book on animals or telling time is great. I personally like Telling the Time by Heather Amery.

Materials Needed

There is no specific materials you need for this activity besides the cards and printable, so the options are wide open! I think that having a good, sturdy clipboard is a must. Do you want crumbled up papers when they turn it in? Don’t think so!

I like to have fun pencils or mechanical pencils in the room just for activities like these. My favorite are these from Papermate! The shape of these pencils make it easy for all types of learners. And they won’t wander the room looking for a pencil either!

You can have your students where cool glasses, or bring in stuffed animals to place at each time card. Whatever you think your students might like would be a huge plus for this activity.

To grab this free activity, just click the download link below!

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