I’m a literacy lover…getting my Masters of Education in Reading makes that pretty evident. So, when it comes to teaching math in the classroom I often felt like I was doing a terrible job. My brain does not go the math route. And trying to convince my learners that math was amazing got a little […]
One of my favorite units to teach is 2D geometric shapes. We introduce geometry at an early age just by teaching our little ones how to draw shapes. Then, we ask them to identify them in our every day world. When they reach kindergarten, we take the learning to a new level and I love […]
It’s that time of year where you’re getting your classroom ready for a new school year! You fill the walls with posters, label everything in sight, and organize your supplies. Something you might consider is adding posters like these real-life shape posters to your decor! Why Use Real Life Images? Sure, we can slap a […]
At the beginning of the school year, I want my learners to get started right away with math centers. This is how we structure our math block the entire year, so setting up a routine is key for a year of successful math instruction. The first week of school my learners will find manipulatives in […]