







Are Visual Aids Important When Teaching Math?

It is no secret that math manipulatives are great for teaching new math skills to little learners. But how important are visual aids when teaching math in early childhood classrooms? What are Visual Aids? Visual aids are resources that contain information learners can see. Posters, videos, anchor charts, etc. are all great examples. But for […]

Why Math Vocabulary is So Important

We want our learners to be successful with math skills. But are we teaching them to be math literate? One strategy to promote math literacy is by purposefully instructing and using math vocabulary every day in our classroom. Math Literacy Reading math books is a great way to engage learners, but that is not what […]

Math Notebooks in the Classroom

As a kindergarten and first grade teacher, I loved teaching math. Don’t get me wrong! Literacy is my baby. However, I have a special place in my heart for math interactive notebooks! The amount of growth that my students demonstrated made me excited to move on to the next unit. Math notebooks were great tools […]

Spiral Review with Math Centers

Math centers are the perfect way for your learners to practice math skills they are learning. Planning a spiral review with math centers throughout the school year will help your learners master these skills. Spiral Review Learning new skills can be fun and challenging at the same time. Remembering math skills that were taught days, […]