Teaching our little learners with the family unit is such a fun and important one to go through! There are so many fun ways to explore this family unit. You’ll get to watch little minds be amazed as they learn all about family. It’s SO FUN to watch them read through family books, too!
Finding different family books to read along with them is a great addition to units just like these. And they get to learn all about family too!
Taking the time to read family books is so important for growing little minds as they go through this family unit! Our little learners will get to discover all kinds of new things about family. Some things they may already know, others might be totally new to them!
I found some really fun family books for you to use with this family unit that can easily be purchased on Amazon. Just click the links below and stock up on some of your favorite family books! I love to use my prime membership since I get FREE 2-day shipping and can have books in my hand quickly!
What Makes a Family?
A simple explanation of familes followed by some poems.
Different Kinds of Families
Follow a little boy as he introduces you to the many different kinds of families living along his street.
Still a Family
A little girl and her parents have lost their home and must live in a homeless shelter. Even worse, due to a common shelter policy, her dad must live in a men’s shelter, separated from her and her mom. Despite these circumstances, the family still finds time to be together. They meet at the park to play hide-and-seek, slide on slides, and pet puppies. While the young girl wishes for better days when her family is together again under a roof of their very own, she continues to remind herself that they’re still a family even in times of separation.
Families, Families, Families!
No matter your size, shape, or pedigree–if you love each other, you are a family! Moms, dads, sisters, brothers — and even Great Aunt Sue — appear in dozens of combinations, demonstrating all kinds of nontraditional families! Silly animals are cleverly depicted in framed portraits, and offer a warm celebration of family love.
My Big Family
Introduce beginning readers to basic familiar vocabulary including family, mother, father, sister, brother, grandma, grandpa, and pets through vibrant images and informational text.
We Belong Together
In a kid-friendly, accessible way, this book explores the ways that people can choose to come together to make a family by showing one perspective on the adoption experience. We Belong Together is about sharing your home and sharing your heart to make a family that belongs together. With an understanding of how personal and unique each adoption is, and that not everyone comes to it in the same way, Todd Parr’s colorful art explores the meaning of family.
All Kinds of Families!
With irresistible, rollicking rhyme, beloved picture book author Mary Ann Hoberman shows readers that families, large and small, are all around us. From celery stalks to bottle caps, buttons, and rings, the objects we group together form families, just like the ones we are a part of. And, as we grow up, our families grow, too.
One Family
Just how many things can “one” be? One box of crayons. One batch of cookies. One world. One family. From veteran picture book author George Shannon and up-and-coming artist Blanca Gomez comes a playful, interactive book that shows how a family can be big or small and comprised of people of a range of genders and races.
Heather Has Two Mommies
Heather’s favorite number is two. She has two arms, two legs, and two pets. And she also has two mommies. When Heather goes to school for the first time, someone asks her about her daddy, but Heather doesn’t have a daddy. Then something interesting happens. When Heather and her classmates all draw pictures of their families, not one drawing is the same. It doesn’t matter who makes up a family, the teacher says, because “the most important thing about a family is that all the people in it love one another.” This delightful edition for a new generation of young readers features fresh illustrations by Laura Cornell and an updated story by Lesléa Newman.
The Berenstain Bears and A Job Well Done
Brother, Sister, and Honey Bear need to clean their playhouse. They’d rather play outside. In The Berenstain Bears and A Job Well Done the Bear children learn what the Bible says about the joy of work.
Two Homes
At Mommy’s house, Alex has a soft chair. At Daddy’s house, Alex has a rocking chair. In each home, Alex also has a special bedroom and lots of friends to play with. But whether Alex is with Mommy or with Daddy, one thing always stays the same – Alex is loved. The gently reassuring text focuses on what is gained rather than what is lost when parents divorce, while the sensitive illustrations, depicting two unique homes in all their small details, firmly establish Alex’s place in both of them. Two Homes will help children – and parents – embrace even the most difficult of changes with an open and optimistic heart.
Do You Sing Twinkle?
Living apart from a parent can be a hard adjustment for kids. And, if that parent remarries and has stepchildren, things can get really confusing. Told from a young boy’s point of view, this book addresses many feelings and questions that children may have while adjusting to remarriage and a blended family after their parents’ divorce.
My Family, Your Family
Makayla is visiting friends in her neighborhood. She sees how each family is different. Some families have lots of children, but others have none. Some friends live with grandparents or have two dads or have parents who are divorced. How is her own family like the others? What makes each one great? This diverse cast allows readers to compare and contrast families in multiple ways.
Who’s In My Family?: All About Our Families
Join Nellie and Gus and their family — plus all manner of other families — for a day at the zoo, where they see animal families galore! To top off their day, Nellie and Gus invite friends and relatives for a fun dinner at home. Accessible, humorous, and full of charming illustrations depicting families of many configurations, this engaging story interweaves conversations between the siblings and a matter-of-fact text, making it clear to every child that whoever makes up your family, it is perfectly normal — and totally wonderful.
Me and My Family Tree
Following the successful model of Me on the Map, Sweeney demystifies an abstract concept by presenting it from a child’s point of view. In Me and My Family Tree, a young girl uses simple language, her own childlike drawings, and diagrams to explain how the members of her family are related to each other and to her. Clear, colorful, detailed artwork and a fill-in family tree in the back help make the parts of the family – from siblings to grandparents to cousins – understandable to very young readers.
The Littlest Family’s Big Day
Who is only under 5 inches tall and has just moved to the woods? The cutest and littlest bear family you have ever seen–and their adopted teeny tiny fox tot! What happens when they venture out to explore their new world…? With an easy-to-read story and the careful brushstrokes of Emily Winfield Martin’s illustrations, The Littlest Family’s Big Day captures the mystery and magic of the woods. Inspired by classic children’s books such as The Littlest Fur Family and Dream Animals, this is a radiant treasure to be cherished for generations.
What is a Family?
What Is A Family? was written for the purpose of teaching children that there are many different types of families. The book speaks from the perspective of children as they describe their families in a contemporary, as well as sensitive manner. It is meant to be read with an adult to help facilitate a child’s understanding of the issues presented in the book. With this understanding, the book strives to promote confidence and assurance to all children, that they can be proud of themselves and their family regardless of their particular family structure. At the conclusion, the main character achieves clarity and is able to answer the title question: What Is A Family?
The Relatives Came
In a rainbow-colored station wagon that smelled like a real car, the relatives came. When they arrived, they hugged and hugged from the kitchen to the front room. All summer they tended the garden and ate up all the strawberries and melons. They plucked banjos and strummed guitars.
When they finally had to leave, they were sad, but not for long. They all knew they would be together next summer.
My Family: Love and Care, Give and Share
While describing his extended family, Matthew shows us where families are the same, even if they look different from the outside. Divorce, step-families, grandparents, adoption, siblings, and pets all make up part of Matthew’s family.
Daddy, Papa, and Me
Rhythmic text and illustrations with universal appeal show a toddler spending the day with its daddies. From hide-and-seek to dress-up, then bath time and a kiss goodnight, there’s no limit to what a loving family can do together. Share the loving bond between same-sex parents and their children.
Teaching the family unit is SO MUCH FUN for little learners as they explore all about family. It’s even more fun for us as we get to watch little minds learn and grow! Grab some fun and exciting family books to use with this family unit and explore all about family.