We are continuing our series of Summer Safety! Last week, I featured the water safety resource. This week we are focusing on sun safety. Summer months take us all outside whether it be swimming, camping or just jumping on the trampoline. We have to keep our skin healthy!

Start With a Book!
You know me! Every activity I create comes with a good book. When researching sun safety books, I came up short. I did find Staying Safe in the Sun. It’s a great non-fiction book that discusses ways we can all keep ourselves safe from the harmful rays of the sun.
But you don’t always have to start this activity with a book on sun safety. To get your learners interested in these activities, start with a book that can trigger background knowledge and connections. Authentic literature is the best way to grab a little one’s attention!
Here are some of my favorite summer books you can use!
There are hundreds of good books about summer, but these are some of our favorites!
How to Stay Safe
After reading our favorite books, we then go on to our first activity. It’s a great activity for whole group. I like to use pocket charts. Each card illustrates ways we can stay safe from the sun.

Another activity that is included in this free bundle is a sorting activity that can be moved to a learning center. The activity includes an “I Can” statement so your learners will understand what they will learn.

You can make this into a game or an individual activity. No matter how you use it with your learners, they will understand how to stay safe in the sun!

To wrap up this lesson and activity, give your learners a chance to show what they learned through a writing activity.

This free resource covers so many standards- reading, writing and health! Grab these free resources by clicking on the download box below!