







Positional Words in Your Math Classroom

Create a Math Block I can’t say this enough. An effective math block will help you tremendously! It creates routine and structure that you need to make sure everyone is on task. This is what I include in my math block: Engaging Mini Lessons Math centers Independent practice visuals throughout the classroom   Engaging Mini […]

Math Pattern Activities

I know many ask the question “is it important to teach patterns in the classroom?”. It may seem like a unit that is too easy for most kids, but there are so many benefits. Math pattern activities are a must in every preschool and kindergarten class. It not only creates order in a chaotic situation, […]

Sorting Activities for Little Learners

Sorting by attributes is a big fundamental skills taught in every early childhood classroom. Classifying and sorting is  a unit that starts off math instruction for the school year. However, things like classroom management, getting to know your learners and other back to school craziness can take priority during the beginning of the school year. […]

Digital Activities in the Classroom

The digital age has exploded in the classroom! Every room you walk into has laptops and hand held devices. Students are recording themselves and creating videos to show what they know. It’s a fantastic way of learning, and we need to take advantage of it! Digital learning is now the new learning in every classroom. […]

Math Center Organization

Math centers are a big part of today’s classrooms. The days of whole group instruction are gone. Small groups, partner work and centers are here to stay. You might have some great math centers, but how is your math center organization? Have you considered how easy your centers would run if they were more organized? […]