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February is a great time to teach Bible lessons on love.  Well, anytime of year is a perfect time to teach your little ones about love and the importance of showing love towards others. But we tend to focus most of our bible lessons on love during the month of February to keep our thematic units in line.  I have a lot of fun bible lessons on love for the month of February that we get out year after year, but this year I wanted to do something a little different.

If you’re a mom or you’re planning on being a mom, you’ve GOT to read this book.  Love Is will pull at your heartstrings like you would’t believe.  This beautiful book illustrates the meaning of love not through words, but through actions.  A little girl learns the meaning of love through a small duck that she raises like her own.  It’s not your average book on love, which makes it an even better read.

A Perfect Bible Lesson on Love

During the month of February, I always plan fun Bible lessons on the Fruits of the Spirit.  These verses are a perfect example of what love really means, and you’re never too young to learn them.

Prior to class, I create a “Love Is…” chart and have it on the board in my bible class.

We start our Bible lesson on love with songs, a prayer and reading from our Bible.  Then we discuss the phrase “Love is…” as a group.  It’s fun hearing what love is from the eyes of a 5 year old.  You might get answers like “kisses”, “hugs” and “smiles”.  And that’s okay!

While I read the book, I get a lot of hand raises and stories of taking care of animals.  I love this age and the stories they share.  I could listen to their stories all day.  And my teacher heart becomes so full when they use their comprehension skills and are able to make connections with the book.

After I finish reading the book, we go back to our chart and discuss how we can add more now that we know love is more than what was on the list.  I also provide more time for other kids to share a time when they got to show love towards someone or something similar to the book.

Love Is….

For our table work, I have a “Love Is” box waiting for them.  I give my learners plenty of time to talk with their table.  This definitely helps those that struggle to come up with an idea.  Sometimes sharing sparks a little idea every once in a while!

What’s great about this activity is that there is no wrong way to do it.  Love can mean so many things to so many kids.  The best part about it is that you don’t see the same idea twice.  Everyone has their own idea and they love to share!

To get the FREE printable for this Bible lesson on Love, click on the link below: 


Need some more February lesson ideas?  Check out some fun activities from my TpT store!

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