Thanksgiving is a great to time teach your little ones about gratitude, family traditions and history. Of course, you have to throw in a little turkey silliness! If you know me, I love finding new books. Of course, you have to have some fun activities to tie in with your new books. Here are a few ideas to engage your learners with books this holiday.

If you have preschool, pre-k or kindergarten kiddos, these books will be perfect for you! I also included an idea for each book that you can complete together to enhance your learners’ reading experience (be sure to read all the way to the end to get the freebie included). Let’s start with our freebie!
Thanksgiving is Here

Thanksgiving brings all sorts of sounds, smells and sights to see! When Maggie’s grandparents arrive on Thanksgiving day, commotion sets in at her home. The smell of the golden turkey in the oven, the laughing from family members, and the taste of the yummy desserts fill this book!

This book is perfect to include in your five senses unit for science or a fun senses activity in your home with your little ones.

During the read aloud, remind your learners to pay attention to any of the five senses they will hear! As a quick comprehension check, have them complete this activity by drawing and labeling the senses they found in this book! You can grab this freebie below!! But keep reading for more books and activities!

More Books and Activities
The Great Turkey Race: Get moving with this cute turkey book. After reading this book, work together to create an obstacle course for learners to go through…throw in a little planning and engineering as you construct the course and get those little bodies moving! In no time, you’ll have a little engineer on your hands!
My First Thanksgiving: This book is a simple story that explains how the first Thanksgiving relates to the holiday we celebrate today. After you read it, enhance the story by having your learner draw and label their Thanksgiving meal just like Tomie did in the story.
Thanksgiving is for Giving Thanks: There are tons of adorable “I am thankful…” activities you can find online today, and this book is great to get little ones to think about all the things they have to be thankful for. Enhance this book with a shared writing activity that can be turned into a class book for kiddos to read.
The Story of Thanksgiving: This is the perfect book to use when teaching children the story of Thanksgiving. It provides a simple storyline for readers to follow. This story is perfect for little learners to retell to a partner using puppets provided in my Thanksgiving Packet.