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Penguin science is a unit that I absolutely love. And it’s a great way to introduce research. But, conducting research projects in early childhood classrooms can seem a little intimidating. However, when you provide your learners with the correct resources, research, like this fun lapbook, can be so much fun.  Even better…you are able to teach reading, writing and science skills with one project. Let’s take a look into some fun penguin science activities! 

Penguin Science Lapbook - Mrs. Jones' Creation Station

One of our favorite animals to research is the penguin.  They are adorable, funny and extremely intelligent (at least the ones from Madagascar…heehee).  Penguins have a variety of traits, adaptations and characteristics that set them apart from other animals.

Penguin Science

Before we begin our research we head to the library for our books.  There are a variety of nonfiction books that share tons of information about penguins, as well as, pictures of penguins in their habitat.  Once we have a good selection of books, it’s time to start reading.  I read one book each day and focus on one section of the lapbook.

Penguin Science Lapbook - Mrs. Jones' Creation Station

Penguin Chart

To start our research, the learners share our schema or one fact they already know about penguins.  Then, we read a book and create a chart together.  On chart paper, I draw a penguin for us to label with enough room around the penguins to write information throughout the unit.

Penguin Science Lapbook - Mrs. Jones' Creation Station

With this chart we are able to complete the “penguins can, have are” section of the lapbook by listing verbs, nouns and adjectives about penguins.

Penguin Science Lapbook - Mrs. Jones' Creation Station

Then, the learners label the different parts of the penguins based on the picture we created together on our chart.

Penguin Science Lapbook - Mrs. Jones' Creation Station

Life Cycle

The life cycle of a penguin is truly spectacular!  We read a book like, Penguins by Melvin and Gilda Berger, to learn how penguins are born.  This book is perfect for little learners because it is simple and easy to follow, which works great for our life cycle chart.

Penguin Science Lapbook - Mrs. Jones' Creation Station Penguin Science Lapbook - Mrs. Jones' Creation Station

Penguin Facts

Cool Penguins by Jeff Bauer is our favorite books to learn penguin facts.  We are able to find where penguins live, who their predators are and what penguins eat in just a couple pages. There are captions, lists and many other features that we are able to use to collect important information.

Penguin Science Lapbook - Mrs. Jones' Creation Station Penguin Science Lapbook - Mrs. Jones' Creation Station

Types of Penguins

While books are great, we also spend some time online and finding websites that can help with our research.  A great website to learn about penguins is Penguins-World.  This site has great pictures and information about different species of penguins.

Penguin Science Lapbook - Mrs. Jones' Creation Station

Penguin Adaptations

Finally, after learning so much information about penguins, it is time to focus on how penguins adapt to their environment.  Together we brainstorm ways that penguins are able to live in such cold, icy habitats.  From, sliding on their bellies to incubating eggs on their feet, the learners are always able to come up with a variety of adaptations penguins have.

Penguin Science Lapbook - Mrs. Jones' Creation Station

It’s time to hit the library and help your learners develop a love for research.  You can grab this lapbook here to use with a penguin research project and check out the other lapbooks I have available here.

Penguin Palooza with the Primary Pack

You have a chance to WIN this lapbook and more penguin resources from my friends over at the Primary Pack!  Just fill out the information below and check out the links to see what is included in this amazing prize!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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