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Your learners are reading, but are they improving? Assessing our students is the only way we can monitor their growth. Assessments don’t have to be hard or take a lot of time either! This reading running record is a great reading assessment that doesn’t take a lot of time.

The Benefits of Assessments

Although you feel like you test them so much, assessments really do have a lot of good information.  This reading assessment can be completed at various times throughout the school year.  In my district, we assessed at the beginning, middle and end of the year.  This gave me the opportunity to compare the same assessment over the entire year.  And do you know another great thing about these assessments?  They could help create and guide your small group instruction!  It’s pretty amazing to see the improvements they make over the year.  I also used this assessment during parent-teacher conferences.  If I am not pleased with the growth of a student, I always have this assessment to show parents. Documentation is key!

How to Use this Assessment

Running records are an easy assessment that you can use at any time of the year. All you need is this running record printable and leveled readers.

As your reader moves through each page, place a check mark for every accurate word. If they self correct, you write the first word/corrected word. If there is an error, you place an E for that word instead of a check mark.

Use the codes and the formulas at the bottom of the page to monitor your reader’s progress!

It’s not ever too late to assess your students! Grab this FREE running records printable by clicking the download button below!

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