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Summer is here! Many kids are home for several weeks while others stay in school. Either way, it’s a great time for learning. In our house, we set aside some time each day for summer review. Reading is an absolute must, but we also cover basic math skills to keep our minds strong. These summer digital activities are perfect for a quick summer review!

New to Digital Assignments?

No worries! This free resource is compatible with Google Slides™ and Seesaw™. Both platforms are a great option. Most districts will decide what platform they recommend, so I offered these resources for both. 

If you’re new to Google Slides™, you can read more from the post below:

These simple steps will get you set up in no time!

If you’re new to Seesaw™, you can head over to their website and find out how to assign activities to your class!

Summer Sums

Even if you’re little learner is strong in math facts, it’s still a good idea to review and practice over these summer months. So much can be lost over these next several weeks, so it’s important to set aside some time each day for basic practice. Summer Sums is a great, summer themed digital activity to help your little one with basic addition facts.

Each slide is a summer themed addition problem. Use the pictures to help solve the addition problem. Your learners type in the answer and submit!

Sentences at Camp

Many kids head to camp over the summer! These Sentences at Camp will help get your learners excited for their upcoming trip. Each sentence is age appropriate. Your learner simply reads the sentence out loud and chooses the correct visualization answer. This is a great first step into basic comprehension skills.

These summer digital activities are perfect for the summer months! You can download these activities using the download button below!

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