







A Space Unit Every Early Learner Will Love

Get a child to talk about space, and you will have them gabbing for hours! Their little minds are intrigued with what’s beyond Earth. Bring engaging activities to your classroom and you’ll have them glued every single day! My Travel to Space unit will spark the imagination of your classroom that they will beg to […]

Spring Digital Activities for Little Learners

Isn’t it crazy how much the view of classrooms have changed just in a few short years? Gosh, when I started teaching 15 years ago, I was lucky to have 2-3 computers up against a back wall. Now, you walk into classrooms and see individual iPads, Teacher Bitmojis on the screen, and digital resources instead […]

Valentine’s Day Digital Activities for the Classroom

Valentine’s Day is such a fun holiday for kids. In our house, I put it all in my kids’ hands. I buy the cards, candy and toys and they do the rest. I love watching them write sweet notes to their friends. And teachers have just as much fun planning Valentine’s Day thematic units and […]

Shape Activities and Printables for Little Learners

I’m a literacy lover…getting my Masters of Education in Reading makes that pretty evident.  So, when it comes to teaching math in the classroom I often felt like I was doing a terrible job.  My brain does not go the math route.  And trying to convince my learners that math was amazing got a little […]

How to Use a Math Block for 3D Solid Shapes

You’ve covered so many units in math so far. Now, it’s time for the unit over 3D solid shapes! This is a fun unit because your learners will learn some big vocabulary words AND they will use those words every day as they relate them to real objects! Create a Math Block Your math block […]

Introducing Addition and Subtraction Activities

You know your little ones are growing up when they begin adding and subtracting! Kindergarten is such a big year. Your class full of students come in knowing a little bit about reading and numbers. They leave reading books, and knowing how to add and subtract! Teaching operations can’t be a pencil to paper skill. […]