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We always begin teaching little ones the colors of the rainbow at an early age. Colors are everywhere, so it makes it quite easy to teach them. The next step is going beyond naming colors, but to find out how colors are created. I came across these great color mixing activities for little learners. They will love them all!

Color Mixing with Water Colors

My youngest is finally ready to learn about color mixing. I’ve done this activity with my other two and they loved it. I know he’s going to love it just as much! I first start with reading Mouse Painting.

This color mixing activity is so fun, and creates very little mess! I love watercolors because they are easy to use and easy to clean up. And the colors mix well on paper too!

First, I place white paper and water colors on the table. I let him explore on his own for several minutes. Then, I point out the colors he put on his paper.

After he spends time exploring, I place the color mixing sheet on the table. We start with each primary color, and then I ask him “What happens if we mix the two colors together?” It’s my favorite part because I see it all click in his little mind!

You can grab this FREE printable below by clicking the download button.

More Color Mixing Activities

These other activities are perfect to do outside on a pretty day or at the kitchen table on a rainy day!

Walking Color Wheel | Team Cartwright

Blow Painting with Straws | Our Family Code

Color Mixing with Little Learners | Mrs. Jones Creation Station

Mess Free Color Mixing | In The Playroom

Mixing Colors with Candy Wrappers | Kids’ Craft Room

Color Mixing with Ice Cubes | MomBrite

Beautiful Color Mixing Lanterns | Kids’ Craft Room

Color Mixing with Recycled Items | Learn With Play at Home

Shaving Cream and Color Mixing | Nurture Store

Moon Sand Color Mixing | The Craft at Home Family

Color Mixing with Tissue Paper | Red Ted Art

Simple Color Changing Experiment | MomBrite

Be sure to grab this FREE Mouse Painting Color Mixing printable!

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