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Back to school is such an exciting time for teachers. However, the to-do list is rather lengthy, and it can be hard to get everything done. To be honest, there have been a few years where I focus on planning my routines, organization and schedules and realize I don’t have the first week planned. That’s why I planned and created back to school lessons that help with that very problem!

Full Week of Lessons

The first week of school is a little hectic! Little ones get anxious that first week of school with all the unknowns. Planning engaging lessons that first week is so important to keep those little ones at ease and excited to come back the next day.

I created these activities for kindergarten and first grade teachers. The lessons focus and teach little ones how to treat others, what we do at school and routines of the classroom.

Back to School Words

I welcome my students each day on the rug for our lessons. We start our first week off with a fun Welcome to School song. I send this same song home so my learners can show their family the same song. Next, I read one of many of my favorite back to school books!

This resource includes school themed words to use on a word wall or daily word lessons. Each card includes the word and a picture to help with all levels of learners. Use the recording and tracing sheets to help your learners with writing skills and word to picture association.

back to school lessons

What We Do at School

There are a few ways you can use this specific resource. Print this on regular size paper, laminate and write on it with your learners.

I personally like anchor charts in my classroom. Our school has an amazing secretary that prints anything I want into poster size. After it’s printed onto a poster, I laminate and use dry erase markers that can erase easily. This makes reusing it year after year so easy!

There is a third way you can prep this resource! I know many teachers that trace their anchor charts. Simply project this image on your dry erase board and trace the images onto poster paper. As a class, brainstorm all the fun things we do at school each day!

back to school lessons

As an extension, you can send your learners back to their tables to write or draw about what they learned. This resource includes three different levels of this activity for all types of writers.

Be a Good Friend

How we treat others is an important lesson we teach in early elementary classrooms. This activity includes a song and posters to remind little ones how to treat others and themselves in the classroom. Next, have your class work together to discuss what it looks like to be a good friend.

Problem Solver

It’s so hard to not solve all the problems in your classroom. But teaching your students how to solve most problems will make for a smoother school year! Use the anchor chart to brainstorm all the ways students can be a problem solver. Next, let them decorate their own problem solver hat with ways they have been a problem solver.

My students absolutely love these activities every single year. They are fun, engaging and do a great job of introducing a new school year.

These are just a few of the back to school lessons that are included in my Back to School thematic unit! Click below to learn more about this resource!

Click here to check out this resource!

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