Sight words a vital part of an early elementary classroom. They are words that our learners have to know, but don’t fit into certain spelling patterns. So, of course these can be quite confusing for beginner readers. But with the right strategies and activities, learning to read these sight words will be a breeze! Check out what these editable sight word cards have to offer!

Simple But Effective
These sight word cards are handy to have throughout your classroom and for good reason. If you know anything about sight words, you know that these words have no set spelling pattern, but are used very frequently throughout books.

Having these cards throughout your classroom ensures that your students are seeing them all the time. The more they see these words, but easier it will be for them to spell them.

A Perfect Pair
I’ve been working hard to plan and create a fun, engaging resource pack for sight words. Because you know that teaching sight words can be challenging if you don’t have a classroom full of engaged learners. I’m happy to share with you my new sight word resources that pair perfectly with these editable sight word cards!

Sight Word Sentence Posters
This resource pack is the perfect pair for these freebie cards. A picture and sentence is included on each poster of every sight word in the freebie pack. Not only will your early readers learn how to spell and read these sight words, but they will learn to use them correctly in context. You can check out this resource on my TpT Store or the MJCS Store!
To get you started, you can have all TWENTY sets of these edible sight word cards for FREE by clicking the download button below!